Do North Prairie Regional Water District users pay too much for water?
This website is dedicated to exploring this question and more!
This website is dedicated to exploring this question and more!
I am a wife, mother of 3, and a business owner. I have a degree in land surveying and about 8 years of survey experience. I have specialized in public records research, mapping, easements, and preserving property rights. My surveying experience also includes: residential and bridge construction, DOT inspection, and creating 3D topographic models for construction design and earthwork calculations. I have worked as a consultant, reviewing residential and commercial subdivision maps for technical accuracy and adherence to local regulations.
In 2015, my husband and I began Curb 2 Curb LLC, a parking lot maintenance business in Minot. I do all the bookkeeping and help with the manual labor. We built our home together with our own hands and became rural water users in 2019.
I'm currently a member of the Ward County Planning Commission. I firmly believe the government closest to the people is the most important. It's also the one most ignored. Some of the best kept secrets are in the public records. I've researched several matters, but the one that has fascinated me most is North Prairie Regional Water District (NPRWD). I spent the last 2 years following and researching the District. At times it has been a struggle to get public records, but progress and transparency is increasing.
In April 2023, I was elected to the At-Large position by a narrow margin. I intend to use this opportunity to obtain answers that were never available to me before. My goal is that more information will be available on the North Prairie Regional Water District website, and that I can make a positive difference for our users in other ways also. I hope the people who attended will continue to be interested in the business of the water district, and their other local government entities!
On June 4, 2024, shortly after the annual meeting ended, my Facebook page was suspended. It appears it was flagged for inappropriate content. There was no appeal process. All the data once there is gone. All this started when I tried to run a $20 ad prior to the annual meeting. Facebook said I violated their policies for political ads. I thought it was resolved at the time, but then I received something in my email......I thought initially I was hacked, but the account was still linked to my phone and email. I had to cancel my credit card because Facebook tried to charge almost $1,000. My husband watched posts on my page disappear in real time the night it happened. I was also locked out of my personal Facebook account, and lost all pictures and history.
Thanks for attending the 2024 Annual Meeting and making your voices heard. I'm so glad we were able to win and defeat the bylaw changes! I appreciate you taking the time out of your day. Your vote matters!!!!
Thanks for visiting!